

Welcome to the varied thoughts of a pastor, sometimes Algebra and Lit teacher, writer, music critic, baker…etc.

A Few Words for the Worst Part of the School Year

Greetings from Week 19 AKA the mathematical middle of the academic calendar AKA the worst part of the school year. We are equidistant from the beginning and end, stuck in a no-man’s land with Christmas break behind us and a vast wasteland of “learning” ahead. We are short on motivation. The weather is cold. The…

About Those New Year’s Resolutions…

Why do we look forward to a new year? What is it about an arbitrary moment in our 365-day rotation around the sun that makes us want to shoot off fireworks and confetti in Times Square? A few years ago, I asked our church this very question, and this was the response: “I think we…

Growing Old

“I wish I had the boy,” the old man said aloud. The old man wasn’t in the habit of speaking aloud before the boy left him. Now alone at sea, Santiago of Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea mutters wistfully as his skiff is towed by a monstrous fish. As the hours while away, this…

A Few Principles for Effective Teaching

Successful teaching is not a plateau we reach but a lifelong climb across an ever-evolving landscape. Students graduate, culture shifts, knowledge expands, personal experiences bring new joys and sorrows. Along our winding pilgrimage, various factors will constantly shift—both within and without—but certain elements must remain constant if we and our students are going to flourish…

DOWN POURS (a poem)

Run– Plash along cuz faster means Less wet, Right? Damp– Down pours The blessing we Avoid, rue, Curse? Wet– Prayer heard Rain random and Regular. Why? Surprised? (photo credit)

What Is Christian Classical Education?

With classical schools popping up across the nation, it might be helpful to step back and ask a few foundational questions: Recently I spent some time trying to answer two questions: What is a Christian education? What is a classical education? I do think these are distinct, although more and more I’m seeing a conflation…

The Wicked Lack Courage

Famous books often have famous opening sentences. Pride and Prejudice’s iconic, ironic first line comes to mind. Even those who haven’t cracked the cover of Melville’s Moby-Dick know its three word intro: “Call me Ishmael.” Well-crafted first sentences manage to set the tone, pique the reader’s interest, and introduce major themes. They serve as a…


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