2.3 — Lottie Moon and the Missionary Call

A giant of the faith packed into a 4’3″ frame, Lottie Moon was an incredible force for spreading the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. In this episode, learn all about her call to missions and how she herself trumpeted the clarion call to give, send, and go. Miss Moon shows us what it means to live lives worthy of the calling. She made the most of every opportunity, and many of her skills and talents were put to work in North China.

During her faithful service to the Chinese, she found time to bombarde the home-front with letters and bulletins and pleas to take the Gospel to the nations:

November 11, 1878—“Here is a province of thirty million souls & Southern Baptists can only send one man & three women to tell them the story of redeeming love. Oh! That my words could be as a trumpet call stirring the hearts of my brethren and sisters to pray, to labor, to give themselves to this people.”

This is her story.

Here are some further resources:

Published by Chad C. Ashby

Instructor of Literature, Math, and Theology at Greenville Classical Academy Greenville, SC

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