Quarantine Family Worship Resource, Vol. 2! (Download)

Brothers and Sisters,

Volume II. Who would have imagined? Perhaps two or three weeks, but who would have dreamed this quarantine would last for two or three months…or longer? Churches have dealt with their inability to gather in various ways. There are many faithful ways to make the most of this sad time apart, and this guide is just one of a myriad of resources available.

As I mentioned in the first volume, these are intentionally short. I could provide you with liturgies filled with responsive readings, long prayers, recitations from creeds, multiple songs, and a long-form sermon, but would you really do it? Be honest.

Besides, the point of this guide is not to recreate “church” but to show you that family worship is more intuitive than you could ever imagine. You really can do it. Without help. Without a guide. It takes five basic elements:

  • Pick up the Bible and read a passage.
  • Ask simple questions of the text and of those gathered.
  • Pray over the truths you have read.
  • Sing a hymn or worship song everyone has memorized.
  • Take prayer requests, and pray over them.

These can all be done with zero preparation. Feel free to add your own elements and tailor these to fit your household’s needs. Just make sure to keep your expectations low—especially if this is your first time!

If you are intimidated by teaching the Bible, here is a tip: Be humble. Approach the Scriptures with questions, pleading with the Lord to answer. Some he will; some he may not. Ask questions of those you are leading. Allow them to help you digest and understand God’s Word. Lean on the Spirit. Here are four profitable questions to ask no matter the passage:

  • What does this teach us about God?
  • What does this teach us about ourselves?
  • How does this point us to Jesus?
  • How shall we then live?

In Volume 1, the Bible lessons were drawn from Luke’s Gospel. In Volume 2, we will read selections from Ezekiel. May these inspire prayers of hope as we look toward the day we can gather once more in worship as the people of God—indeed, to the Day when we will gather around the throne of Christ forever!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Chad Ashby

College Street Baptist Church

Newberry, SC

Published by Chad C. Ashby

Instructor of Literature, Math, and Theology at Greenville Classical Academy Greenville, SC

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