Mt. Moriah: The Firm Foundation of Solomon’s Temple

The Bible is so meta–interconnected, self-referential, delicately woven together like the most beautiful spiderweb you’ve ever seen glistening in the early light of dawn. I came across one of those places in the Bible that connects all the dots in a single sentence yesterday in 2 Chronicles: “Then Solomon began to build the house of theContinueContinue reading “Mt. Moriah: The Firm Foundation of Solomon’s Temple”

Abortion: A Blatant Denial of Substitutionary Atonement

Have you ever wondered why infanticide has been a part of most societies throughout history?  When you read about the cultures that surrounded Israel, it is quite clear that sacrificing children was a common practice in their cult worship (2 Kings 17:31-33).  Both Ezekiel and Isaiah actually indicted their own people for partaking in theContinueContinue reading “Abortion: A Blatant Denial of Substitutionary Atonement”